Innovation and sustainability
Research and development are one of our key activities. We apply innovative approaches not only to the constant development of optimized polymeric materials, but great emphasis is also placed on recycled materials and the possibilities of using recycled material in industrial praxis.
As a result, the combination of innovation and sustainability takes on a completely different dimension.
Specialized laboratory
Our independent development department has a processing laboratory with an advanced technological tools, which allows it to work with a wide range of thermoplastic materials.
Custom materials development
As part of applied research, we deal with modifications and adjustment to the properties of thermoplastic
Custom production and testing
We produce for our customers small-batch custom made materials for low-volume projects using highly specialized materials.
Research and cooperation
We cooperate with research institutions and universities. We focus on advanced materials which have a high potential for usage in the plastics industry. We deal with recycled materials.

Specialized laboratory
Our R&D department has an advanced semi-operational twin-screw compounder with variable dosing options for additives and fillers of any kind.
An integral part of the R&D department is also the analytical laboratory, where we evaluate the material and chemical composition of thermoplastics and their admixtures, physical and chemical tests of materials and evaluation of degradation of thermoplastics.
We work very closely with the accredited laboratory Testpolymer EU s.r.o., for additional measurements of a wide range of material tests.
Our primary goal is effective material and technological development applicable directly to industrial praxis.
An integral part of our work is the emphasis on the use of recycled raw materials and their recovery within the processing chain.
Custom materials development
Using specific additives and material modifications, we modify materials characteristics of flame retardancy, demolding, improved stability to chemical and physical phenomena and other process, rheological, visual, mechanical and physical-chemical properties.
Thanks to all this, we are constantly expanding our portfolio of materials produced.
At the same time, we also deal with the development of material premixes (masterbatches) and the adjustment of the color shades of the compounds to customer’s needs. We also devote a great deal of effort to natural fillers and the development of compounds based on biopolymers.

Custom production and testing
Materials from our small series production are used in the most technically demanding industrial applications, such as electrical engineering, automotive, aerospace technology, or in the field of 3D printing.
In addition to custom production, we also carry out customer tests of processing properties, recycling tests, degradation analyzes, contamination identification and technological tests.
Phosphorescent compounds
Compounds for 3D printing
Conductive compounds
Biopolymer compounds
Compounds with flame retardants
Research activities and cooperation with universities
Our experts are involved in research activities at the national and international level. They cooperate with the commercial sphere as well as with universities and research institutions.

Selected projects and research grants
Project OP EIC INNOVATION VII No. CZ.01.1.02 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 19_262 / 0019931, implementation period 2020 – 2022
Processing and utilization of recycled carbon in the production of special composites usable mainly in the automotive and aerospace industries.
Project TACR Zeta TJ01000320
Waste polycarbonate recycling and development of advanced thermoplastic blends with a share of polycarbonates usable in primary production applications
Project of the Ministry of Industry and Trade No. CZ.01.1.02 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 16_045 / 0009606
Evaluation of technological and processing properties of waste polyolefins

Write to our developers
We are ready to answer your technical questions about the materials we develop and produced.